The ban on PubG Mobile India came as a shocker to all the Pubg fans. Though the game can still be played on mobile phone with previously installed PubG but the ban could not be taken easily by the enthusiastic gamers. In the middle of all this chaos PubG cooperation decided to launch PubG India which boosted the energy of the Indian gamers. The announcement of PubG Mobile India was done on 12thNovember and after few days of this announcement a new company PubG Indian Pvt. Lmt. got itself registered.

There has been a lot of speculations and rumours about the launch of PubG India. It is important to know what the truth is or is it all just a scam?
Talking about the facts:

The claim that APK file link of PubG mobile India has been already shared with some registered users is completely false.

The APK link being surrounded on WhatsApp and on few social media platforms is a fake link and after installation can be a threat to the mobile data privacy including photos, videos, band details, password etc.

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) has not given any permission for launch of PubG.

There is no proof which assures that PubG India is going to be released in the near future

The Central Public Information Officer (CPOI) has responded to the query filed through RTI regarding the return of PubG Mobile India. MEITY has responded stating “MEITY has not given any permission for launch of PubG” (Respond on 11/12/20)

E-sport entity GEM Sports has shared the reply of RTI on their Instagram handle.

Whether or if PubG Mobile India will be released in the near future is not certain. But as of now, The Government has clearly stated that it is still upholding the ban decision and has not given any permission for the launch of much awaited PubG India.

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